Alannah Roberts of Mimbletown Pomeranians, Australia, graciously shared this infographic she made explaining some of the cons of the fad cross breeds that have become popular lately. Purebreds have been selected for many generations for specific traits, and when you cross two divergent breeds you have no guarantees anymore as far as size, coat type, temperament, hypoallergenic qualities etc. And contrary to popular belief, it does not eliminate health issues either – in fact, they are possibly susceptible to problems experienced by both breeds!
Please, do your research and select the breed that best suits you and your family, don’t support people cross breeding as a fad to line their pockets.

As preservation breeders of purebred Pomeranians, we do not support cross breeding the Pom with any other breed, but especially not a Husky! There are plenty of small spitz breeds to pick from without crossing two such differing sizes of dog, not to mention Huskies have a very different personality from a Pom.
As a breeder I am constantly receiving requests for stud service from the owners of Huskies looking to breed with a Pom to have a litter of Pomskies and make a buck. It is not something I will ever participate in.