I was honored to be elected to judge the 2023 American Pomeranian Club National Specialty’s Puppy and Veteran sweepstakes. 129 Pomeranian puppies and veterans were entered, which made for a long afternoon! I will be publishing a written critique in an upcoming issue of the Pomeranian Review, but for now here are some of the highlights!

My Best In Sweepstakes was from the 12-18 Months dog class, Chalee & Paradigm Cheyenne (Dan-Star-Kom Deja Vu x Chalee Sweet Lady), owned and bred by AnChalee Panboonlert from Thailand. “Hilton” as he is called went on to finish his championship in just a few shows following the National and is already a group placement winner. Congratulations to his breeders & owners.

Best Junior In Sweepstakes was from the 9-12 Months dog class, Ch. Kimmilove Mae You Feel My Love bred and owned by Miae Kim from South Korea.

My Best Opposite Sex Junior puppy was from the 6-9 Month Puppy class, Sunterra Sheer Bliss, owned and bred by Doug Stratton of Canada.

My Best of Opposite Senior was 12-18 month bitch Krrish And Nordic Vision’s Dark Angel, bred by Gary Almond and Whitney Stacey and owned by Gary Almond, of Oregon and North Carolina respectively.

My Best Veteran in Sweepstakes was a chocolate boy of 10 years old, Bbacaya of Hangaram, from South Korea, owned by Yoon Jung Choi.
I would like to thank all the APC members who showed me their lovely puppies and veterans! If you would be interested in attending the APC National in the future please keep an eye on the APC National page!