Many people wonder how much coat care is involved with a hairy dog like a Pomeranian. Unlike many long coated toy breeds, Poms are fairly easy to maintain in full coat as long as you brush them regularly. I recommend a thorough brushing once per week with a pin brush (metal pins, without…
Author: silhouettepoms
Housebreaking Your Pomeranian
Poms are usually rated as one of the more stubborn breeds to house train but I do not get many complaints from my puppy people who are raising just one or two Poms. I strongly recommend crate training and crating your Pom especially when they are younger or new to your home, whenever…
Health Issues in the Pomeranian
Poms, like any breed of dog (or any dog in general) can be susceptible to various problems, both genetic and non-genetic.
Silhouette Poms
The Foundation of Silhouette
In fall of 2005, I brought home 5 month old “Adia”, Sunterra Sweet Surrender ROMX, from the airport in Baltimore. She had arrived by plane from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, from world famous Sunterra Pomeranians.