We generally discourage people who currently have small children from considering a Pom, unless they are familiar with Poms or have a Pom already and know how to properly manage them around young children. Young children should absolutely NOT be allowed to interact with a Pom without immediate adult supervision, and should not be allowed to pick up, tease or otherwise harass the Pom.

Poms who feel abused by young children may strike out and bite them which is not a good situation for anyone. Also small children may not know how to be careful with a small dog like a Pom and could wind up accidentally hurting the Pom, dropping it, breaking its leg or even killing it if it strikes its head. If you have children after acquiring your Pom, or if you do not want to wait until the children are older to bring one into your home, I recommend you make sure the Pom is segregated from the children at all times unless you are supervising their interaction carefully. We think Poms can be great pets though for responsible, careful children of 8 years or older. Please use discretion for the safety of all involved!